The INGV editorial series

The publishing sector of the organization that goes by the name of 'The INGV editorial series' is made up of the scientific series "Quaderni di Geofisica", "INGV Technical Reports", and "Miscellanea INGV". The publishing activity in this sector has a wide range of products: articles by INGV researchers and technicians, or produced in collaboration with INGV, technical reports worthy of dissemination as useful cognitive contributions to the services and research carried out institutionally by the institution, conference proceedings, project reports, short monographs.
The number and quality of publications produced in this area in recent years confirm that INGV internal publishing is considered an important showcase for many of the Entity's technological and research activities, and that the dissemination of the research carried out is of fundamental importance for the development of the institution itself.
The three series are equipped with ISSN, that is an international code that identifies the periodicals and allows to standardize the classifications.


  • Quaderni di Geofisica

    Quaderni di Geofisica (Quad. Geofis.) welcome contributions, in Italian and/or in English, with special emphasis on preliminary elaborations of data, measures, and observations that need rapid and widespread diffusion in the scientific community. The on-line publication is particularly useful for this purpose, and a multidisciplinary Editorial Board with an accurate peer-review process provides the quality standard for the publication of the manuscripts.  Quaderni di Geofisica are present in "Emerging Sources Citation Index" of Clarivate Analytics, and in "Open Access Journals" of Scopus.

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  • Rapporti Tecnici INGV

    Rapporti Tecnici INGV (Rapp. Tec. INGV) publish technological contributions (in Italian and/or in English) such as manuals, software, applications and implementations of instruments, and techniques of data collection. Rapporti Tecnici INGV are published online to guarantee celerity of diffusion and a prompt access to published data. A multidisciplinary Editorial Board and an accurate peer-review process provide the quality standard for the publication of the contributions.

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  • Miscellanea INGV

    Miscellanea INGV (Misc. INGV) favours the publication of scientific contributions regarding the main activities carried out at INGV. In particular, Miscellanea INGV gathers reports of scientific projects, proceedings of meetings, manuals, relevant monographs, collections of articles etc. The journal is published online to guarantee celerity of diffusion on the internet. A multidisciplinary Editorial Board and an accurate peer-review process provide the quality standard for the publication of the contributions.

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