Materiali per un catalogo dei terremoti italiani. Sismicità minore del Novecento: alcuni casi tra gli anni 1949-1971

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Filippo Bernardini
Romano Camassi
Viviana Castelli
Carlos Héctor Caracciolo
Emanuela Ercolani


In Italy, historical research on earthquakes has a long and glorious tradition, which in recent decades has gone through very different phases. In the first half of the 1980s and up to the mid- 90s, two very demanding research ventures were developed: the research program financed by ENEL for the qualification of sites susceptible to nuclear plants in three areas of the country (Piedmont, Lombardy, Puglia), later merged into the “Catalog of Strong Italian Earthquakes” (CFTI) of the ING/INGV, and the “Hazard project” of the GNDT/CNR, aimed at preparing all the basic data necessary for a model of hazard updated.
As part of these two ventures, for about a decade over a hundred researchers, mostly “professional” historians, have worked to update their knowledge of Italian historical earthquakes.
Researches developed by the “Hazard Project” - complementary to those of the CFTI - aimed only at rapidly re-evaluating the knowledge on about 600 intermediate energy earthquakes. Some of these studies, after a couple of decades, are now largely obsolete. For this reason, a work plan was launched aimed at deepening the knowledge on several dozens of these studies, marked in the current Parametric Catalog of Italian Earthquakes (CPTI15) by the initials AMGNDT95, providing them with an updated and, hopefully, better database.
This work presents the results of research carried out on 6 earthquakes included in the 1949– 1971 time span. Such researches have allowed a significant improvement of the epicentral parameters of these earthquakes and, at the same time, an enhancement of seismic histories of numerous localities.

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