Sotto i nostri piedi: i movimenti della Terra ieri e oggi. Un esempio di applicazione cloud-gis per la divulgazione scientifica

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Maurizio Pignone
Anna Nardi
Raffaele Moschillo


“Sotto i nostri piedi: i movimenti della Terra ieri e oggi” is a web application, based on cloud-gis technology, which was developed for the exhibition of the Genoa Science Festival
in 2021. It collects a series of story maps and dashboards that tell and show the earthquakes and tsunamis of the past but also recent and in real time seismicity. Through some interactive interfaces this application allows you to work with visitors as in an online laboratory by discovering news, images, testimonies, maps and infographics on the earthquakes and tsunamis of yesterday and today. The journey that “Sotto i nostri piedi” proposes is divided into three stages: the first illustrates the seismicity of the last 40 years in Italy starting from traditional maps up to interactive maps and real-time seismicity dashboards. In the second one, we discover the propagation of seismic waves by looking at the SHAKEmovies of some of the most important seismic events recorded in recent years. Finally, in the third stage we travel between the earthquakes and tsunamis of the past that occurred in Italy and in the Mediterranean Sea thanks to two dedicated story maps.

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