Communication is not only through words. Man has used any medium to memorize places and describe the area around him through cartography for over 4000 years. By means of new technologies we have passed from computer-drawn maps to georeferenced digital maps, up to georeferenced data shared via webgis. The Osservatorio Vesuviano is the Sezione di Napoli of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, a research institution whose main purpose is the monitoring of Campania volcanic areas by means of different types of networks (consisting of fixed and mobile stations), each of which records different parameters. The Osservatorio Vesuviano has built a constantly evolving GIS environment database to manage geographic data in order to remember and understand the distribution of these networks. This paper presents the open access database “moNitoring mAps of camPania voLcanoES” (NAPLES), which provides monitoring networks maps. You can access NAPLES database and download the maps you need both from Osservatorio Vesuviano website or from Zenodo open database.

Published: 2022-12-16