Misure GPS rapido statiche ed RTK per la realizzazione di un modello digitale del terreno ad alta risoluzione dell’isola di Lipari

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Marco Anzidei
Alessandra Esposito
Vincenzo Sepe


In this study are shown and discussed results from two topographic campaigns based on GPS/RTK technique performed in the island of Lipari (Aeolian Islands) under the projects V3 Multi-disciplinary analysis of the relationships between tectonic structures and volcanic activity, funded by the Department of Civil Protection, and Response of morphoclimatic system dynamics to global changes and related geomorphologic hazard, funded by MIUR-PRIN 2011–2013. The purpose of this survey was to obtain the coordinates of a redundant number of Control Ground Points, estimated at centimeter accuracy, necessary for the realization of a very high resolution digital terrain model for this area, from aerial photogrammetric data. The obtained model has a resolution between 0.5 and 5 m and is currently one of the best available. This is essential for detailed geomorphological, volcanological, ground deformation and coastline changes for this still active volcanic island.

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