Following the three ML = 4.0 seismic events that struck the Fermano-Maceratese area (Central Italy) between January 10, 2010 and January 12, two real time temporary seismic stations of the INGV rapid response seismic network were deployed to improve detection and hypocentral locations. This area has a peculiar seismicity confined in a fragile seismogenetic layer at a depth between 15 and 25 km that is worth studying. The stations were connected to the INGV national network data acquisition center using UMTS routers. This solution has proved to be extremely fast and cost effective. Only one of the stations suffered from UMTS signal weakness, yet data gathered contributed to improve the real time hypocentral locations during the sequence. The joint dataset composed by data from national, temporary and regional stations has been reprocessed producing higher quality data for the seismic studies in the area.

Published: 2024-03-01