Spreading Earth Science knowledge, specifically concerning earthquakes and volcanoes, is a way to trigger fundamental changes in attitude towards our Planet and Natural Hazards. The Milano-Pavia division of Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) is working towards this end within the frame of Conosciamo la Terra, an International Year of Planet Earth (IYPE) project intended to address school kids and fill the gap between science and school worlds. The work was done in low hazard areas, where earthquakes and volcanoes do not belong to daily life and the topics could be addressed chiefly involving the cognitive component of learning. Lectures were given directly in school so that students were easily lead by scientists in a journey towards knowledge. We tested the procedure in 16 different schools, spanning the whole range of school education, and involved 42 classes for more than a thousand students; we highlighted that the interest towards Earth Science might not be directly linked to the level of hazard approached students live in. Low hazard areas also need, want and deserve efficient outreach. Thanks to the work done here we could challenge communication skills of science towards society and promote a positive role of scientist in society as well as that of institution, like INGV, supporting a new public image of science and researchers.

Published: 2024-03-01