The processing and the geologic interpretation aimed at marine geological mapping (realization of the marine map of the sheet n. 502 “Agropoli”, ISPRA, National Geological Survey of Italy) of a detailed grid of very high resolution seismic profiles (Subbottom Chirp) recorded in the Campania continental shelf between the Solofrone river mouth and the Agnone town have been carried out. The seismic profiles, recorded through the Subbottom Chirp profiler, have been processed using an open­source software for single­channel seismic data processing, the SeisPrho, licensed by the Institute of Marine Sciences of the National Research Council of Bologna, Italy and made available. In particular, more than one hundred seismic sections, previously recorded onboard of the RV Urania (CNR) have been read and processed through the application of a vertical linear gain, allowing for a significant improvement of the seismic signal. The study area can be divided in three zones, which have been distinguished based on the trend of the seismic profiles and on the line spacing. The interpretation of the seismic profiles, carried out accordingly to the criteria of the seismic stratigraphy, has allowed to distinguish the main seismo­stratigraphic units occurring in the subsurface, which are separated by significant seismic reflectors,corresponding with unconformities and/or conformities. In the Cilento inner continental shelf between the Solofrone river mouth and the Licosa Cape the seismo­ stratigraphic analysis has shown that the recent sedimentary cover, ranging in age from the Late Pleistocene and the Holocene is organized in four main seismo­stratigraphic units. In its northern sector this shelf represents a depocentral area of marine deposits, mainly sands. Coarse­grained sandy belts have been identified parallel to the shoreline, suggesting the activity of alongshore currents. In its southern sector this shelf represents the seaward prolongation of the Licosa Cape structural high and is characterized by wide outcrops of rocky acoustic basement, genetically related with the Cilento Flysch Auct.

Published: 2021-03-25