I formulate the hypothesis that in a laminar motion regime on an inclined plane, in a marine mud rich in ammonia and water, strings of (OH)-H+NH3 are formed aligned in the direction of motion. The various groups (OH)-H+NH3 of the generic string hold tail heads by electrostatic attraction. Let there be a shear rate, with velocity that varies monotonically in the direction perpendicular to the motion and the inclined plane. The presence of lipids could facilitate laminar motion, favor the rotation of solid particulate matter of the mud around axes parallel to the inclined plane and perpendicular to the macroscopic direction of motion, and facilitate the development of “polarized” rotational kinetic energy quanta. I call such quanta: phonons-of-rotational-kinetic-energy/micro-vortices; they are polarized thanks to the shear rate. In the generic string, I speculate that such phonons induce a synchronous quantum pseudo-rotation of each group (OH)-H+NH3 around its local center H+. I observe that (OH)-and NH3 have almost the same atomic mass, in terms of the number of electrons and protons, since (OH)-has only one electron more than NH3 and if a neutron is supposed to be given by a proton plus an electron. In the generic quantum pseudo-rotation, each (OH)-is counterbalanced by the corresponding neutral group NH3, around its local center H+. I suppose that from these pseudoquantum rotations arises a magnetic field parallel to the inclined plane and perpendicular to the motion. The correspondence with stiffnites, mud flows as debated in two of my 2011 articles in Annals of Geophysics, is discussed [Pareschi, 2011a; 2011b]. Here I also propose that at the stop of motion, at pressures of 300-400 atmospheres, the string breaks and the reaction (OH)-H+NH3 → 14CH4 + OH takes place, with a nuclear transition 14N → 14C. The appearance of additional 14C and the reactive group OH are used to: i) discuss the possible backdating of certain reworked deposits of the Ionian Sea (off the Sicilian coast and South of the Calabrian coasts), currently linked to the Cretan earthquake of 365 AD and ii) explain the oxidation of the normally settled deposits underlying those reworked deposits. Since, in the literature, in the deposits mentioned above, no phenomena attributable to anomalous temperatures are reported, I deduce that the nuclear reaction 14N → 14C is cold.

Published: 2024-01-25