Pianificazione e gestione di un’emergenza sismica: esercitazione INGV del 26 novembre 2015

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Silvia Pondrelli
Alessandro Amato
Marco Massa
Paola Montone
Massimo Crescimbene
Federica La Longa


In the framework of INGV Earthquake Department organization, the Research Activity named “Sorveglianza sismica ed operatività post-terremoto” (Seismic survey and post-earthquake operativity” (T5) takes care of the development of tools and procedures for the real time evaluation of earthquake effects and the management of seismic emergency. One of main goals of T5 during 2015 was to formalize protocols from emergency teams mainly devoted to evaluation of damages and geologic effects and installation of temporary seismic stations, immediately after a relevant earthquake. Protocols of 5 teams have been formalized by an INGV President Decree on July, 2015. Another goal of T5 for 2015 was to write an INGV general protocol to face a seismic emergency. A draft version has been prepared and it includes an important news, i.e. the existence of an official Crisis Management Unit. To test all these protocols, a drill has been set up simulating a M6.4 earthquake in southern Latium, mainly aimed at verifying the feasibility of all the activities, and the information flows. In this report we describe its preparation, implementation and also the comments written by a group of observers. At the end, positive and critical observations are reported. We underline the relevance of such drills, suggesting that they should be carried out at least once a year.

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