Terremoto a Campobasso del 16 gennaio 2016. L’evento di MW 4.3 e la sequenza sismica associata

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Milena Moretti
Lucia Margheriti
Alberto Basili
Paola Baccheschi
Fabio Villani
Gianpaolo Cecere
Ciriaco D'Ambrosio
Raffaele Di Stefano
Luigi Falco
Antonino Memmolo
Giovanni De Luca
Franco Migliari
Felice Minichiello
Laura Scognamiglio


At 18.55 UTC on January 16, 2016, an earthquake of magnitude ML 4.1 (MW 4.3) has been recorded by the National Seismic Network (in Italian: Rete Sismica Nazionale – RSN, http://doi.org/10.13127/SD/X0FXNH7QFY ) of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (in Italian: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - INGV). The earthquake affected the provinces of Campobasso and Isernia and also some areas of the neighboring provinces of Caserta, Benevento and Foggia. The event, located at about 6 km away from Campobasso and at depth ~ 10 km, had been preceded during the day by approximately ten events with maximum magnitude ML 2.9. The seismic sequence is located in an area of high seismic hazard and it occurred about 20 km southwest of the seismic sequence which began on December 29, 2013 with a ML 4.9 event (MW 5.0 [De Gori et al., 2014]). Due to bad weather during the following days the seismic station closest to the epicenters stop working and could not be restored; this worst the quality of the seismic monitoring system H24/7 at the headquarters in INGV of Rome.To overcome this problem, a 6-channels temporary seismic station has been quickly installed in collaboration with the Regional Civil Protection of the Molise. The activity has been prepared by the Coordination of mobile seismic networks INGV (Sismiko [Margheriti et al., 2014; Moretti et al., 2016]) and has been sufficient to ensure the efficiency of the seismic monitoring service as required in the current agreement between the INGV and the National Civil Protection Department (in Italian: Dipartimento Protezione Civile - DPC). The sequence has been then analyzed with different localization techniques, and the results are shown in the following for comparison.

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