Open Science per il futuro della Ricerca europea

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Mario Locati
Stefano Cacciaguerra


This paper illustrates the results of a research conducted during a Master’s degree entitled “Master in Management of Research, Innovation and Technology”, organised by the Graduate School of Business, run by the Politecnico di Milano, between February 2016 and July 2017. The research goal was to map the complex system supporting the “Open Science” paradigm and the so-called “Big Data”, with a particular focus on the Italian research environment, where INGV (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia) operates. In addition to transferring the necessary expertise on the management of the innovation and the technology transfer, the Master’s degree offered the unique chance to encounter and exchange experiences with people operating at different levels, fields and environments, such as universities, research centres, ministries, and private companies. The three authors of this paper reflect the heterogeneous audience of the Master’s courses, with a lawyer working at the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research active in the field of European Research Infrastructures, and two technologist working at INGV, one managing seismological data, and the other working as a chief engineer of the data centre in Bologna. The -very- different backgrounds of the three authors, allowed the exploration of the Open Science paradigm and the use of the Big Data in modern Science, mastering regulatory, scientific and technological aspects. To achieve a complete mapping, the authors underwent an extensive bibliographical search, and took advantage of their respective experience matured in their professional activities. The result is a comprehensive, interdisciplinary analysis, meant to give food for thought and clear suggestions to decision makers, supporting them in a more proactive, efficient, planning.

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