Brevi studi di Sismologia Storica. Tre casi di Terremoti “minori” tra la Pianura Padana e le colline romagnole (sec. XVII-XIX)

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Carlos Héctor Caracciolo


This work illustrates the research on three “moderate” seismic events occurred between the seventeenth and the nineteenth century. The first one had most of its effects at the foot of the Euganean Hills, a zone of low­intensity rate. The second one was felt in a large zone, from Veneto to Marche with slight damage in some hamlets of Romagna. Both can be considered as “new entries” in the seismic Italian history. Also the last earthquake was felt in a wide area and struck particularly Romagna’s hills and Imola. This event is also reported in the CPTI15 catalogue but the new documents allowed us to improve its macroseismic scenario.

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