Revisione della sismicità italiana degli anni ’30 del XX secolo. I parte. Casi particolari e una incursione negli anni precedenti

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Carlos Héctor Caracciolo


Usually seismicity is intended as a natural phenomenon; yet the recording and interpretation of data are a human undertaking, historically conditioned. This research starts from the hypothesis that the decrease in Italian seismicity observed in the historical catalog [Rovida et al., 2021] for the central years of the twentieth century is due to the social and political conditioning that hindered its registration. This work, which focuses on the 1930s, with a brief excursion into previous years, presents part of the results obtained. In particular, the article deals with three earthquakes of which the data are substantially updated (Calabria, 7.03.1928; Alpi Noriche, 14.05.1930; Valli Giudicarie, 14.04.1931); then it presents an important replica of the strong Maiella earthquake, without macroseismic data in the catalog [Rovida et al., 2021], (Maiella, 23.11.1933); finally it considers a “forgotten” fifth earthquake (Southern Italy, 13.04.1938).

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