11 maggio 2011: il terremoto previsto e l’Open Day all’INGV

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Concetta Nostro
Alessandro Amato
Giovanna Cultrera
Lucia Margheriti
Giulio Selvaggi
Luca Arcoraci
Emanuele Casarotti
Raffaele Di Stefano


In 2010, Internet rumors started to circulate about a devastating earthquake allegedly forecast in Rome, on May 11, 2011, by Raffaele Bendandi, an Italian self-taught natural scientist (Faenza, 1893-1979). As the date approached, Roman residents, tourists and commuters started pelting INGV with anxious inquiries.
As May approached, the attention of the public and the media grew. INGV decided to organize at its headquarters in Rome an Open Day devoted to the public who wanted to have information and learn more about the Italian seismicity, the earthquake as natural phenomenon, and seismic hazard. The Open Day was preceded by a press conference, with the purpose to present the
initiative and open a scientific discussion with the journalists about earthquakes prediction and Italian seismic risk assessment.
About 30 journalists from newspapers, local and national TV’s, press agencies and web news attended the press conference and hundreds of articles appeared in the following days, advertising the May 11 Open Day.
The INGV opened to the public all day long with the following program: meetings with researchers to answer scientific questions; visiting the seismic monitoring room, staffed by seismologists 24h/7 all year; guided tours through interactive exhibitions on earthquakes and Earth’s magnetic field; conferences on different topics, from the social impact of rumors to seismic risk
reduction. During the day, 13 new videos have also been posted our YouTube/INGVterremoti channel to explain the earthquake process and hazard, and to provide periodic updates on seismicity in Italy from seismic monitoring room.
On May 11 the INGV headquarters was peacefully invaded by over 3,000 visitors from 10 am to 9 pm: families, students with and without teachers, civil protection groups and many journalists.
The initiative, built up in few weeks, had a very large feedback, and was an important opportunity to make extensive information on seismic risk.

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