Analisi qualitativa dei dati Intermagnet 2010 di L’Aquila

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Manuele Di Persio
Cesidio Gizzi


The purpose of an observatory is not only to provide data but also to ensure their validity and continuity in order that they could be used for scientific researches. In recent years there has been a growing interest towards geomagnetic data, especially for seismic precursors research. The continuity of data is necessary to be able to study physical phenomena on many time scales and their reliability is needed to be able to have an accurate representation of the phenomenon under investigation. Data affected by noise could mislead the researcher, showing anomalies that do not exist or hiding real effects. In this paper we want to show a simple qualitative analysis of data acquired at L’Aquila Observatory during 2010, highlighting criticalities observed in the acquisition system and describing the procedure used to identify and correct their cause . We believe that this approach will be useful not only for people involved in the elaboration of data from magnetic observatories, but also for the data final users.

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