This paper describes the status of the Italian National Seismic Network and the Italian seismicity in year 2009. We outline the main seismic sequences that occurred during the year, with particular emphasis on the L’Aquila-Rieti seismic period. The INGV National Seismic Network recorded about 26000 earthquakes in Italy and neighboring areas during 2009, which were analyzed and localized by the seismology group of analysts involved in the publication of the Italian Seismic Bulletin (BSI). The minimum magnitude of completeness Mc of the BSI 2009 is ML 1.6 (ML 2.1 in the BSI 2008). The number of active seismic stations during 2009 was 305 (279 in 2008). We provide an estimate of the number and magnitude of anthropic events (quarry-blasts) included in the BSI 2009.

Published: 2024-03-01

Bollettino Sismico Italiano 2009

Luca Arcoraci, Patrizia Battelli, Corrado Castellano, Alessandro Marchetti, Francesco Mariano Mele, Anna Nardi, Mario Pirro, Antonio Rossi