In assessing the seismic hazard of an area, and consequently, in risk estimates, a key role is played by the occurrence of strong earthquakes, in this case, the earthquake of 25 February 1695 (Mw 6.4). However, as shown by the MPS19 hazard model [Meletti et al., 2021], the significant increase in hazard values in areas of medium seismicity (e.g. Emilia Romagna), in particular the 10% estimate in 50 years, is determined by the strong improvement of the base data included in the CPTI15 catalogue [Rovida et al., 2022], represented by about a thousand earthquakes re‐evaluated with respect to the previous version, a couple of hundred of which were introduced ex novo in the catalogue. The present work took into consideration the portion of the Treviso area close to the Venetian Prealps, in particular the area close to the town of Asolo, of which several relatively “minor” earthquakes, included in the CPTI15 catalogue [Rovida et al., 2022] based on super‐expeditious studies, were studied ex novo. Starting from the preliminary studies available, in‐depth research was carried out going back to the original sources, redetermining the epicentral parameters of each event on the basis of a new data‐set. As a result of this work, a substantial improvement in the information on each earthquake both in terms of the number of intensity points and the reliability of the estimates has been achieved, as well as making available the transcripts of the entire body of sources and bibliography on the earthquakes considered.

Published: 2023-06-08