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Guidelines for submissions to “Rapporti Tecnici INGV”

“Rapporti Tecnici INGV” publish original contributions, both in Italian and in English, of technological nature, such as applications and instrumental innovations, data collection techniques, manuals and software, mainly developed in the various disciplinary fields of the INGV and addressed to technical-scientific users. However, the works must be comprehensible even to non-specialist readers, for which an appropriate classification of the contribution is requested in the context of the general activities of the specific disciplinary field.

In the case of Rapporti Tecnici concerning the creation of software, the authors undertake to make the application and / or the code available on request, provided that such software is entirely original and does not include routines or non-free distribution applications. This commitment will be written at the end of the published work.

Manuscripts should be submitted through the OJS platform after registration.

All the reports with the editorial staff regarding correspondence and any requests for intervention on manuscripts in progress will be kept through the OJS platform.

In compliance with the topics discussed, the Editor in Chief entrusts the manuscript to an Associate Editor who identifies one or more referees to perform the revision of the manuscript, on the basis of the quality of contents and compliance with the guidelines.

NOTICE: submitted manuscripts not adhering to the following guidelines will be sent back to the author before the start of the process of revision.


The document must be written in .doc or in .docx with the following characteristics: font Times New Roman 11 pt, line-spacing 12 pt (single space), document format A4 standard (margins: top 2,54cm – bottom 2cm – right 2cm – left 2cm), 1 cm indent. It is necessary to send also the .pdf version of the submitted manuscript.

The manuscript is composed by:

• frontispiece with title (both in italian and in english for manuscripts written in italian; in english - and optionally also in italian - for manuscripts written in english), authors (full name and surname), affiliations

• un-numbered index

• un-numbered abstract (both in italian and in english for manuscripts written in italian; in english - and optionally also in italian - for manuscripts written in english) (maximum 2000 characters including spaces)

• un-numbered introduction

• maintext with numbered paragraphs and subparagraphs

• un-numbered references

Authors are requested to provide:
1) the personal Orcid identifier;
2) up to three keywords (both in Italian and in English for manuscripts written in Italian; in English - and optionally also in Italian - for manuscripts written in English) that describe the main topic of the manuscript;
3) a Short Title for the heading when the sum of the characters of the original title and of the name of the first author is more than 75 (including spaces).

The manuscripts must be line numbered (excluding the References).

Authors are requested to provide the captions of figures and tables both in italian and in english for manuscripts written in italian; in english - and optionally also in italian - for manuscripts written in english. Words in foreign language (for manuscripts in italian) and specialized terms should be written in italics.


Figures must be in .eps, .tiff, .png or .jpg format, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Please provide numbered figures with their caption within the maintext and as separate files.


Citations must be placed in the text in square brackets [es. Lyell and Bertrand 1987; Lyell et al. 1997]. All the citations will be reported in the References list in alphabetical order and in the following format:

Allen P.A. and Allen J.R., (1990). Basin Analysis: Principles and Applications. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford.

Baumann M., (1994). Three-dimensional modeling of the crust-mantle boundary in the Alpine region. Unpubl. Doctoral dissertation, ETH, Zurich, 150 pp.

Butler R.W.H., (1992). Structural evolution of the western Chartreuse fold and thrust: system, NW French Subalpinechains. In: Thrust Tectonics (K.R. McClay, ed.), pp. 287-298. Chapman & Hall, London.

Cooling C.M. and Hudson J.A., (1986). The importance of in situ rock stress in repository design. In: Proc. Int. Symp. Rock Stress and Rock Stress Measurements, 1-3 September1986, Stockholm, pp. 647-656.

Tavarnelli E., (1996). Ancient synsedimentary structural control on thrust ramp development; an example from the Northern Apennines. Terra Nova, 8, 65-74.


No costs of publication. “Rapporti Tecnici INGV” are published exclusively online as flipbooks. They are browsable (also off-line), downloadable as pdf, but not modifiable.

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The article has not been previously published, nor is it currently submitted to another journal.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.