Il nuovo sistema di acquisizione e visualizzazione dei dati di Campo Magnetico Terrestre

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Paolo Bagiacchi
Giovanni Benedetti
Lili Cafarella
Domenico Di Mauro
Achille Emanuele Zirizzotti


For many years, INGV has been recording, sharing and analyzing data relating to the Earth’s magnetic field (CMT) from geomagnetic stations and observatories, placed on national territory and southern polar area. Besides, the Institute is a member of Intermagnet (, an international consortium of institutes that records and delivers each own magnetic field values collected at ground observatories. Data sent to Intermagnet can be freely visualized and downloaded from the scientific community interested in the topic. The observatories and monitoring stations managed by INGV are located 6 in Italy and 2 in Antarctica. Each station/observatory is composed of 2 similar and parallel acquisition systems to ensure continuity of the recording of the components and intensity of the magnetic field vector, as recommended by the IAGA (International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy).
Given the variety of models and types of instruments available at INGV, the unification of the acquisition system in a single software able of managing and saving data from all types of different instruments was created. Moreover, given the number of systems, a central single database at the incoming and outgoing flow knot of data with a unique communication protocol was implemented.
This work illustrates the acquisition and analysis procedures on the dataset for geomagnetic observatories managed by INGV for the benefit of users who make use of the databank at the URL:

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