Preparazione alle emergenze sismiche. Seconda esercitazione nazionale INGV per posti di comando (20 novembre 2019)

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Milena Moretti
Silvia Pondrelli
Concetta Nostro


On November 20, 2019, an exercise was held at the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) as part of the activities planned for preparing for seismic emergencies. The training was "table-top" with the simulation of an earthquake with a magnitude greater than the threshold required for the activation of the intervention procedures, described in the "Protocol of the Authority for the management of seismic and tsunami emergencies and Establishment of the Crisis Unit”, the flow of actions that follow was verified. The exercise involved the entire INGV even if the Rome headquarters was the most involved, and it was the second of this type after that carried out in 2015 [Pondrelli et al., 2016]. Main motivation of this training was the analysis of the efficiency of the Organization Protocol, a document that for the first time at INGV codifies the actions of the Crisis Unit and of the Institute in general on the occurrence of seismic events and / or seismic sequences and / or tsunamis. The Protocol has been formalized on the basis of the numerous experiences that the Institute has supported over many years, to honour its vocation in the monitoring and seismic surveillance of the national territory [Margheriti et al., 2021].

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