“Hai sentito il terremoto?” Notifiche HSIT veloci e sicure via Telegram, il sistema di messaggistica istantanea

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Diego Sorrentino
Valerio De Rubeis
Patrizia Tosi
Paola Sbarra


“Hai sentito il terremoto?” [Tosi et al., 2007; De Rubeis et al., 2019] web portal offers a seismic event notification service, called “Servizio Info-Terremoti”, to which users can register by entering their e-mail address and the municipality for which the intend to receive information on earthquakes.
The service sends to its subscribers, who are inside a distance radius depending on earthquake magnitude and depth, a notification via e-mail with the seismic event epicenter data and a request to fill the online macroseismic questionnaire. In this way, even the low degrees of intensity can be correctly estimated, since an answer is also received from those who did not feel the earthquake.
The natural evolution of an e-mail based notification system can be found in the current instant messaging systems that allow you to reach more users in less time, using massive groups or channels, depends on platform.
Hai sentito il terremoto? choose the instant messaging system Telegram because offers channels with unlimited number of subscribers and an automatic system to interact with user, called bot.

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