RecSec una applicazione web per la consultazione delle Record Sections dei terremoti euro-mediterranei

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Barbara Palombo
Teresa Ninivaggi
Rocco Cogliano
Raffaele Moschillo
Luigi Falco
Salvatore Mazza
Giulio Selvaggi


In this short note, we introduce a web application where the Record Sections, automatically created after a revised earthquake location, can be accessed. The Record Sections are graphical representations of the waveforms of seismic events in Distance-Time diagrams. They are created for each event occurring in the Euro-Mediterranean area with a magnitude greater than 2.8 and for which a definitive location is computed by the INGV surveillance service. The analysed stations belong to many European seismic networks whose waveforms are distributed through EIDA [European Integrated Data Archive,]. The IT tool we have realized, described in this note, is a useful multipurpose instrument: it can be fruitfully employed both for research purposes, for a rapid quality control of seismic stations and also for education.

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