The popular science has taken an important role in recent years within the activities of public research with the aim to attract a greater number of people to the knowledge of research activities and their social implications. The Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) has developed many projects of popular science, organized in different shapes, suitable for the type of final users, such as: lectures, visits to the headquarters and laboratories, scientific info-point and more. At the INGV of Portovenere (La Spezia), in recent years, an interesting educational project has been developed in collaboration with a technical high-school. This project, developed within the school-work pathways (“2003, Moratti Law”), aims to guide students for future career choices. In this context, some stage experiences have been carried out to raise awareness of the role of a scientific researcher, using geophysical disciplines such as marine geomagnetism and gravimetry. To illustrate the role of a scientific researcher, it was decided to make the students an educational path that would stimulate them to carry out the scheduled activities in an autonomous, critical and constructive manner. Taught the scientific method and the basics of geophysical disciplines, they were left free to conduct the assigned research. In this way, not only explored the steps that make up a scientific research - which, bibliography, acquisition and data processing, presentation of results - but have acquired other important aspects that provide more complete information from the world of science: the awareness of the link between the fundamental physics concepts - previously acquired by the students in the school - and the implications in the applications for everyday use, the role of science in society, the importance of the interdisciplinary aspects and the science popularization. The five-years experience, with a group of four students attending the fourth class of the Scientific Technical high-school course of La Spezia city, pointed out that the students have been able to apply the theoretical knowledge to the practical work and to gain awareness about the realities of an unknown work to them like the scientific research.

Published: 2024-02-09