In this paper we present the field campaign held in October at the Solfatara of Pozzuoli, near Naples, concerning measurements of CO2, H2S and SO2. The campaign was carried out in collaboration with the University of Costa Rica and Jet Propulsion Laboratory of the California Institute of Technology (Pasadena, California) and has allowed the acquisition of a number of measures through scientific instrumentation as miniaturized multi-gas, thermal cameras and spectro-radiometer. First analysis in terms of brightness temperature was carried out through Landsat and ASTER satellite data. In addition to the instrumental test, one of the objectives has been to verify the possibility of mounting a light payload on a quadcopter and fly it on areas of high gas flow to allow the acquisition of data security. First results are reported in this work while it is foreseen a more accurate analysis of the data obtained. campaign, some results using the spectro-radiometer ASD FieldSpec of optical laboratory of “Unità Funzionale Dati satellitari per l’osservazione della Terra” (UF8) are also reported. A comparison with remote sensor data acquired by Landsat 8 and ASTER will be done in the next months, while in this paper a brief description on the Landsat 8 data acquired on 27 October and ASTER data acquired 26 September are reported. 1. Objective of field campaign The Solfatara of Pozzuoli, near Naples, is part of the Campi Flegrei volcanic complex that contains a fumarolic field more or less extended, whose activity is mainly from the release of steam and gases with high sulphur component. The Solfatara of Pozzuoli is located within an area densely

Published: 2022-01-04

Use of Multiple in situ and remote sensing instruments and techniques at Solfatara field campaign for measurements of CO2, H2S and SO2 emissions: special demonstration on unmanned aerial systems

Malvina Silvestri, Enrica Marotta, Massimo Musacchio, Maria Fabrizia Buongiorno, Fabio Sansivero, Carlo Cardellini, Stefania Amici, Emanuela Bagnato, Pasquale Belviso, Antonio Carandente, Laura Colini, Fawzi Doumaz, Rosario Peluso, Claudia Spinetti