This contribution illustrates the state of the art on the development of the multiparametric network in Sicily in the last three years. This region is wellknown for the strong earthquakes (M>6.5) which struck in historic time. However, the coverage of the seismic network developed in the last decades was not fully optimized to the need of the seismic surveillance. Since 2017, the group belonging to the National Earthquake Observatory (ONT) which operates in Sicily launched a developing plan of the preexisting seismic network in the framework of the project FISR “Sale Operative Integrate e Reti di Monitoraggio del futuro: l’INGV 2.0 (S.O.I.R.)”. Such update will end by the next years thanks to the project “GRINT Italian Research Infrastructure for Geosciences” in the framework of the “Programma Operativo Nazionale” (PON) of the Italian Ministry for the University and Research. This plan envisages both the upgrade of monitoring systems in the already existing nodes, and the integration of new nodes. The main objective is to build a multiparametric network which integrates the main seismic network, with the monitoring of other geophysical signals through the implementation of other sensors: accelerometers, geodetic GPS, radon detectors, and corner reflectors. We also illustrate the plan for the realization of a redundant network which could support the tasks of the main infrastructure in case of failure of the latter. Finally, we present some experimental urbanscale networks which in the future could support the main infrastructure.

Published: 2021-07-20

Sullo sviluppo della rete multiparametrica in Sicilia

Antonino D'Alessandro, Roberto D'Anna, Fabio Di Gangi, Giuseppe Passafiume, Salvatore Scudero, Stefano Speciale, Giovanni Vitale, Christian Bignami, Antonio Piersanti, Valentina Cannelli, Gianfranco Galli, Sandro Rao, Salvatore Stramondo