Monitoraggio della sismicità locale nel Cilento nel periodo febbraio-ottobre 2014

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Mario La Rocca
Danilo Galluzzo
Germana Gaudiosi
Rosa Nappi
Lucia Margheriti
Milena Moretti
Fabio Criscuoli
Lucian Giovani
Maddalena De Lucia
Giuseppe De Natale


Some temporary seismic stations were installed in Cilento from February to October 2014 for a monitoring of the local seismicity in the area of Roccadaspide and surrounding villages, where two earthquakes of magnitude Mw=3.6 and Mw=3.7 occurred on January 22, 2014. Following the warnings of rumbles and tremors from people living in the area, reported also by local press and television, a field survey was realized and the seismic monitoring begun. Acquired data showed a sequence of microearthquakes likely triggered by the two events occurred on January 22. We identified more than 750 very small earthquakes (M<2), of which more than 60 have been located. The 95% of the sources is located in an area of about 10 km2 with depth lower than 3 km. For about 15 earthquakes recorded by at least 5 stations we were able to compute also the focal mechanism. Results of our analysis suggest a predominant distensive dynamics in the epicentral area, although the full picture is rather complex, with significantly different mechanisms for sources very near to each other.

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