Materiali per un catalogo dei terremoti italiani. Aggiornamento di studi speditivi

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Emanuela Ercolani
Sofia Baranello
Filippo Bernardini
Romano Camassi
Viviana Castelli
Carlos Héctor Caracciolo


The latest version of the CPTI15 seismic catalogue (January 2022) includes more than two hundred earthquakes marked AMGNDT95. Their parameters are derived from expeditious studies produced as part of the GNDT/CNR ‘Hazard Project’ (1993-1995). Some of them simply parameterise data taken from bibliographic references in the PFG85 catalogue, i.e., mostly Mario Baratta’s seismological compilation “I terremoti d’Italia” [1901] or twentieth-century seismological bulletins. Others go back as far as the original sources of the references themselves.
As part of the B2 Convention between INGV and DPC (2016-2021), a review of these earthquakes was initiated, starting with the most relevant ones, for which a good margin of improvement in knowledge can be assumed. At the same time, first-level research was also begun on a dozen or so earthquakes of low energy, but still above the damage threshold, which for various reasons had never been studied so far and whose parameters in the CPTI15 are still those of the POS85 catalogue. We present here the results of the study of about thirty earthquakes belonging to both categories. The overall result is generally a strong improvement of the available information, from which it will be possible to derive epicentral parameters more up-to-date and more robust than the previous ones.

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