Lo studio dei vulcani attivi e delle strutture crostali con reti sismiche temporanee: storia, evoluzione e prospettive della Rete Sismica Mobile dell’Osservatorio Vesuviano (INGV)

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Mario Castellano
Danilo Galluzzo
Mario La Rocca
Marco Capello


I n this paper the history of the Mobile Seismic Network of the Osservatorio Vesuviano (at present Department of Napoli of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia – INGV) is described. The instrumental development and the main research and monitoring activities since the early 1980’ are reported. Starting from the analog stations with magnetic tape recording to the first digital stations with trigger recording, until the modern multichannel 24bit devices, the technological development of the last 30 years has given a strong contribution to increase the knowledge in the seismology and seismotectonics fields.
The Mobile Seismic Network has been engaged in active and passive seismic studies both on volcanic and tectonic areas.
Particularly, the contribution of the Mobile Seismic Network for the monitoring of Neapolitan active volcanoes has been very important to improve the Permanent Network. During seismic crises high quality data have been gathered allowing detailed analyses of the seismic activity.
Moreover, the time synchronization by means of GPS time code allowed the deployment of the Mobile Network abroad and the collaboration with the main international research institutes.
At present, the Mobile Seismic Network of the Osservatorio Vesuviano is developing on multichannel acquisition systems, also in array configuration, to gathered simultaneously seismic signals with a large frequency band.

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