User’s guide for paleointensity experiments: an update of the Guidebook “Guida all’uso del forno ASC TD-48SCper la stima della paleointensità assoluta con il metodo Thellier-Thellier modificato”

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Anita Di Chiara


The understanding of the ancient Earth’s Magnetic Field strength, or paleointensity, is fundamental for several disciplines of Earth Sciences. Following the growing interest in this field in the last decades, the number of paleointensity studies has been increasing and the Paleomagnetic Laboratory of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) in Rome, Italy, expanded the instrument park with a new ASC TD48SC oven for paleomagnetic and paleointensity measurements. This manual represents an updated version of the original manual “Guida all’uso del forno ASC TD48SC per la stima della paleointensità assoluta con il metodo
ThellierThellier modificato” [Di Chiara, 2014]. The aim is to provide a practical guide for paleointensity measurements, using the IZZIThellier experiment and the software Thellier_GUI for the processing of the geomagnetic field strength or paleointensity data.

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