Two weather stations have been installed in the coastal region of the Municipalities of Bacoli (Lake Miseno-­Case Vecchie) and Naples (Cape Posillipo-­Denza Institute) within the frame of a cooperation between the INGV­Napoli and IAMC­CNR Napoli in a PON ­ REC 2007­2103 project: "Innovative MONITORING for the Coasts and the Marine Environment (MONICA)". These stations have provided accurate measurements of various weather-­climatic parameters (temperature, rainfall, wind, humidity, atmospheric pressure), with a time frequency of 10 minutes over a four­-year period. This report documents the instruments used and the time series data recorded during the period 2014­-2017 by the Bacoli meteorological station, and discusses the meteorological implications for the study area. The air-­temperature trend in the analyzed period is characterized by two years with values close to their average and two years with significant deviations that reach their maximum during the summer season (2014, 2015). Rainfall values denote a remarkable irregularity, with monthly cumulative values sometimes extremely high (e.g. October 2015, September 2017), alternating with months with limited rain accumulation even in seasons during which rainfalls are generally copious (e.g. December 2015 and 2016). The pluviometric behavior of the western coastal zone of Campi Flegrei is characterized by frequent phenomena of short duration and high intensity that can trigger extreme hydrological and/or hydrogeological events. The wind regime appears substantially stable during the four­year period, both in terms of anemoscopic regime (provenance direction), and average intensity. This highlights the influence of local morphological factors that are able to control the wind regime along the Campi Flegrei coastal zone.

Published: 2021-03-26