As part of the internship carried out in collaboration with the University of Salerno, Department of Information and Electrical Engineering and Applied Mathematics, the old portal “Vesuvian Historical Seismograms Database” was reengineered in order to make accessible and disseminate without any limit, the historical but also scientific heritage of the Vesuvian Historical Seismograms. This portal, once at the forefront, is now characterized by outdated technologies / methodologies and it is not accessible by new mobile devices. At present 9 out of 10 Italians use smartphones to surf the internet, it was considered necessary as well as a duty to the scientific and non-scientific community, to proceed with the re-engineering of the portal through a Web Design Responsive approach. The application of this approach made it possible to optimize the portal presentation on all access device (desktop, tablet, smartphone). In addition, a functionality has been implemented, it allow a more agile and targeted search for the desired seismogram among the approximately 300 existing seismograms: previously, only a sequential search could be performed. The new portal was implemented using the open source development framework “Bootstrap”. Thanks to the components that it offers to the developer, it made possible to create the new Mobile-First Responsive portal in a faster and more optimized way. This portal is available at the following web address:

Published: 2022-02-08