SISMIKO is one of the emergency operating groups (GO) of Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) whose principal task is the prompt installation a temporary seismic network, with real time data transmission, to integrate the permanent seismic stations in an area where a strong earthquake or a seismic sequence is occurring [Moretti et al., 2012; 2016]. SISMIKO was formally established in 2015 by the union of some mobile seismic networks managed by different groups of INGV headquarters. Each of these networks was conceived according to different criteria, determined by its geographical locations and its relationships with the Italian Rete Sismica Nazionale (RSN) [Michelini et al., 2016; Margheriti et al., 2020]. These heterogeneities includes also in the data acquisition systems of the stations managed by the GO. Thanks to a careful planning and configuration, today SISMIKO has the capability and the expertise to deploy, in a few hours, seismic stations and integrate their real time data into the acquisition system of the main operating room in Roma. In this way SISMIKO significantly contributes to monitoring and surveillance service carried out by INGV in case of seismic emergencies [Margheriti et al., 2020]. During 2020, following a renewal and homogenization of the GO instrumental inventory started in 2019 (cofinanced in the framework of the ongoing Agreement between INGV and Italian Civil Protection Department), the task of developing a unified real time acquisition system for all the SISMIKO seismic stations was pursued, independently from the geographic location of the single INGV branches. This new approach has several advantages, primarily allowing the full interchange of the operators, among the various INGV branches, in the management of the data acquisition system, which is a critical issue in managing a seismic emergency.

Published: 2022-03-30

SISMIKO: il nuovo sistema di acquisizione dati sismici in tempo reale

Ezio D'Alema, Carlo Giunchi, Simone Marzorati, Davide Piccinini, Milena Moretti