This technical report describes the MAST satellite acquisition system (Multimission Acquisition SysTem) operating at the INGV headquarters in Rome since 2019 and part of the main instrumentation of the ADEO laboratory (Earth Observation Data Acquisition) established in May 2021 by the Remote Sensing Functional Unit of the ONT section. The system acquires meteorological and environmental satellite data transmitted by the EUMETSAT Consortium through the EUMETCast distribution system. EUMETCast’s Basic, High volume 1, High Volume 2, and Terrestrial services are currently distributing real­time or near real­time more than 120 data and products acquired by Earth Observation (EO) instruments aboard satellites in geostationary and polar orbit managed by major international space agencies. The MAST system was designed to reliably receive this increasingly large amount of data distributed through the EUMETCast service. Therefore, it responds to the need to supply INGV with an EO satellite data acquisition system capable of providing the most accurate and timely information possible on the expected scenario in the case of major events of volcanic, environmental, and seismic activity. It also provides the necessary infrastructure to develop and deploy new monitoring and research products generated from EO space data. This report describes both the hardware and the software structure related to the acquisition and organization of the satellite data distributed by the EUMETCast service that are the basis of the generated products. MAST was also designed with particular attention to the overall reliability of the system, achieved with the redundancy of its hardware and software components. Furthermore, easily replaceable commercial and modular hardware components and Python­based open­source acquisition software in Linux were used. These choices allow easier MAST system management without additional maintenance and licensing costs, fully controlled by INGV personnel.

Published: 2023-06-15

Satellite Acquisition System at INGV Rome headquarters

Dario Stelitano, Luca Merucci, Pietro Ficeli, Francesco Zanolin