La distribuzione del radon indoor in alcuni settori della città di Roma. Ricercatori e studenti in un progetto innovativo: dalla raccolta del dato alla stesura di un articolo scientifico

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Andrea Antonioli
Simone Atzori
Valentina Cannelli
Maria Grazia Ciaccio
Gianfranco Galli
Daniele Melini
Antonio Piersanti
Gaia Soldati
Elena Spagnuolo


Within the training courses of Alternanza Scuola­Lavoro (a governative project for the introduction of work themes to the undergraduate students), a group of researchers from the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia proposed and developed a project to a third class of the Liceo Scientifico Cavour in Rome. The idea was to introduce the students to the world of scientific research, allowing them to be faced in all their phases. The work was envisaged through the use of measuring instruments, data analysis, graph production, the construction of thematic maps and finally the writing in English of a scientific article (essential part of the researcher’s work) with the description of the research carried out and the results obtained. The research involved the distribution of radon indoor in some districts of Rome. The students had the opportunity to measure radon indoor through specific instruments in their houses and in their school, looking for possible spatial and temporal distribution between different data type and to isolate particularly anomalous cases. The aim was to investigate links between the measured values, the area’s geology and the housing typologies, to build thematic maps able to highlight the results achieved and finally to write a scientific article. This technical report has been introduced by the researchers and developed by the students.

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