Manuale di Supporto alla gestione degli eventi sismici presso la Sala Operativa dell’Osservatorio Vesuviano

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Francesca Cirillo
Rosario Peluso


This manual has the objective to provide the shift workers of the Osservatorio Vesuviano Monitoring Room with an useful support to carry out their activities. Specifically, it focuses on the guidelines for the use of information systems related to the analysis and management of seismic events. Shift workers, among their duties, have the task to perform the preliminary location of the occuring seismic events that has to be done by means of two specific systems: WinPick and WESSEL. The first program (WinPick), developed by Flora Giudicepietro [Open File Report n.6, Osservatorio Vesuviano, December 2000] provides the functionalities to analyze in detail the traces of an event in order to perform its location that has later to be saved on two files: one with arrival times and one with location data. The second system (WESSEL), developed by Rosario Peluso in the framework of the FISR SOIR “Sale Operative Integrate e Reti di monitoraggio del futuro” project, provides the features to automatically acquire the files generated by WinPick, therefore all the event data, and to insert them in the SERENADE database and in Sismolab. This is the database developed as part of the Speed project (Scenari di Pericolosità e Danno dei vulcani della Campania) to allow realtime sharing of the monitoring data of the OV with the DPC, later the Speed/Sismolab system it was extended to allow access to data also to the public. It is used to simultaneously show the definitive, revised and automatic locations of a seismic event (obviously on the basis of those available). The shift worker in the monitoring room has the task of populating the database with the localized events: this operation, previously carried out through the system interface, is now carried out directly via WESSEL. In addition, WESSEL also sends automatic e manual localization of events, to the unified seismological database developed by the ONT as part of the FISR SOIR project (Integrated Operating Rooms and Future Monitoring Networks), to create a unified database for the seismic locations of the three INGV monitoring rooms.

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