Studio e rivalutazione del terremoto di Sulmona del 25 agosto 1905

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Corrado Castellano
Andrea Tertulliani


This work focuses on the process of revision of the macroseismic data of the 25 August 1905 earthquake, which hit Sulmona and more generally the Peligna Valley. The earthquake is currently quoted in the Parametric Catalog of Italian Earthquakes [CPTI15, Rovida et al., 2019] with a moment magnitude Mw 4.8 and epicentral intensity Io equal to 6. The reference study mentioned in the CPTI15 is a preliminary study of the GNDT Macroseismic Archive [Monachesi and Castelli, 1995] and as such can be subject to an improvement, as it is dated and inevitably lacking in information. Starting from the state of the art and the review of the known sources, the results inferred from the new research will be exposed. The product obtained is a significant increase of the knowledge of the 1905 Sulmona earthquake, which is clearly highlighted in the new intensity map of the event which is now consisting of 67 locations (against 29 in the previous one) 41 of which, with an assignment of a degree of intensity (against the previous 22).

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