Il contributo dei dati di “Hai Sentito il Terremoto?” al monitoraggio sismico

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Diego Sorrentino
Valerio De Rubeis
Patrizia Tosi
Paola Sbarra


After a seismic event, the web portal Hai sentito il terremoto? receives reports from citizens about their earthquake experience, through the compilation of the online macroseismic form, published on the project site. The reports are received both from citizens, who spontaneously fill in the macroseismic questionnaire, before the official publication of the location of the earthquake, and on request, via email, from subscribers to our InfoEarthquakes service, following publication. The developed web application purpose is to be a useful support to the INGV Seismic Monitoring Service, showing aggregated information, adequately proposed, which may be useful to the seismologist to improve the earthquake localization.

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