REfAsE - Rest Engine for Asynchronous job Execution: un motore software modulare RESTful per il dispatch e processing asincrono di job eterogenei

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Alessandro Di Filippo
Rosario Peluso


The REfAsE - Rest Engine for Asynchronous job Execution - system is positioned within the operations and functionalities related to the management of a seismic event and related activities. The software, designed and implemented entirely within the Functional Unit “Monitoring Room and IT”, has taken on the role of “middleware” and “broker” for that part of the processing load necessary to the production of reports of above threshold events, graphs and maps used for the creation of periodic seismic bulletins and automatic reports. The primary intent was to “isolate” WESSEL (WEb Service for Seismic Event Location, the system that allows the management and analysis of all phases of localization of seismic events of neapolitan volcanoes) detaching these features from the main processing flow and implementing the additional ones with granular and atomic approach.
Thanks to its RESTful interface and a simple protocol allowing to completely manage the resources through HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) commands, it is possible to submit jobs and obtain the related results in an asynchronous way, without the computational cost burdening the main system. The idea that guided the design of REfAsE was therefore to create a software engine capable of taking charge of all those requests that it is possible to satisfy even in non-real time, i.e. accepting jobs (tasks to be completed) that require resources and computation time that should not be“subtracted” from WESSEL, intended both as a software system and as a computing hardware infrastructure that keeps it in production.
REfAsE, designed to be modular, scalable and integrable, currently implements several operational scenarios:
production of releases for the Civil Protection Department (DPC);
creation of periodic seismic bulletins;
creation of maps and graphs for the automatic reports.
At the moment there are other protocols and implementations under development that will allow REfAsE to act as a provider for different seismic location softwares as Hypo71, Localmag, NonLinLoc, etc.

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