Prototipo di un portale per la distribuzione dei dati dell’Osservatorio Etneo basato sulla piattaforma Zenodo

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Mario Torrisi
Fabrizio Pistagna
Marcello D'Agostino
Mario Locati
Placido Montalto


The Open Data model requires that scientific publications results, produced by research organizations or institutes must be freely accessible and usable by anyone, with the only constraint of citing the source. This approach has driven research institutions to publish their scientific products through an operation called “deposit”, on self-managed and self-maintained web portals that represent institutional databases according to the Open Access directives. Among the key operations carried out by the INGV Osservatorio Etneo (OE), there is the gathering and collection of data from the data- acquisition instruments scattered throughout its competence area; these data cataloged in sets, called datasets, on the basis of discrete values such as: examined phenomenon, its time interval and its geolocation. Following the Open Access directives for the publication of these datasets, the OE adopts an implementation of the aforementioned databases, also known as data repositories or digital archives. The implementation described in this document, called DataRep, is based on the Zenodo portal: an open-source software for the implementation of a multidisciplinary repository maintained by CERN. This document describes the result of the collaboration between the OE and the INGV Ufficio Gestione Dati, specifically the interaction between the DataRep software - implemented by the OE by customizing and adapting the Zenodo software - and the Metadata Editor, the official tool for publishing scientific products adopted by INGV. DataRep allows to automatically obtain a landing page associated to each dataset, resolvable through the public DOI published through the Metadata Editor.

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