This report describes the state of the art of the installation techniques for seismic stations developed by the Seismology Group and the Seismology Laboratory at the INGV branch in Pisa, with examples of applications taken from long‐duration field experiments carried out in different areas of Tuscany, such as Monte Amiata and the Mugello basin. Our goal was to develop a low‐cost infrastructure, portable and easily adaptable to different terrains, suitable for hosting a variety of real‐time seismic stations. In addition to improving the structural resistance of the deployment, we also developed applications for the remote monitoring of the state of health of the seismic stations, which allowed a more efficient maintenance of the instrumentation. The proposed type of installation has proved to be sufficiently robust and suitable for installations with a temporal duration of a few years, and in agreement with the expected targets, as proved by the analyses carried out during and at the end of the experiments in which they were used.

Published: 2023-02-14

Progettazione e realizzazione di infrastrutture a basso costo per stazioni sismiche semi-permanenti

Damiano Biagini, Michele D'Ambrosio, Marco Capello, Rebecca Bruni, Carlo Giunchi, Davide Piccinini, Gilberto Saccorotti, Luciano Zuccarello