This report describes the methodology, instruments and findings of the field campaign which took place at the beginning of September 2015 in Solfatara (Naples) and Vulcano Island. The campaign was held in order to test miniaturized instruments developed for NASA under Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Science (ROSES), and was part of a framework of monitoring activities on active volcanoes. It followed a first campaign held in Naples on the 30th and 31th October 2014 and described in Silvestri et al., [2015]. In the first campaign miniaturized multi-gas instruments for the CO2, H2S and SO2 measurements were tested for the first time on Solfatara site and some of the results were reported in Silvestri et al., 2015. During these campaigns, measurements of in situ gaseous emissions have been collected using different instruments also mounted on drones. To complete the analysis conducted during the Vulcano campaign, some results using the spectro-radiometer ASD FieldSpec and thermal camera of the optical laboratory of “Unità Funzionale Dati satellitari per l’osservazione della Terra” (UF8) of INGV section of CNT are also reported. Moreover, the Vulcano island field campaign has been organized considering also the satellite data acquisitions from TERRA ASTER and LANDSAT 8. Both satellites data will be used to compare their measurements with the in situ data collected as regards temperature.

Published: 2021-10-15

Improved instruments for volcanic plume observation for monitoring purpose: Solfatara and Vulcano island preliminary results

Malvina Silvestri, Fabio Vita, Massimo Musacchio, Sergio Falcone, Maria Fabrizia Buongiorno, Fawzi Doumaz