Valutazione operativa della rete piezometrica INGV dell’area dello Stretto di Messina

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Marianna Cangemi
Paolo Madonia
Mario Mattia


The Strait of Messina area represents a scientific challenge of great importance for geophysics, geochemistry and, in general, for earth sciences, due to the close coexistence of different geodynamic regimes. Here are present tectonic systems able to generate energetic earthquakes, among the strongest of the entire Italian seismic catalogue and some of the most important active volcanoes. It is mandatory to consider it a natural laboratory in which to invest in research and monitoring infrastructures [Mattia et al., 2008; 2009]. It is also for this reason that the INGV has decided to set up a site in Messina where the data of a dense network of instruments and technical and research personnel can converge. The piezometric network, in particular, is a challenge within a challenge, since there is also an obligation for INGV to enhance and make operational an infrastructure acquired in 2015 when the company Stretto di Messina S.p.A. was wound up.
This report shows methodologies and results of the revision of the network, acquired by INGV in order to assign it to the realization of a hydrogeochemical monitoring network, within the framework of WP05 “NEMESI” of the MEET project.

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