The Italian territory is particularly exposed to seismic risk. In 2021, in fact, the National Seismic Network recorded 16,095, an average of 44 earthquakes per day. Earthquakes, therefore, represent a very important risk both for homes that - due to their architectural history and construction techniques - are fragile and for the social communities and local economies that are overwhelmed by the consequences. ‘Fragile Home’ represents a house, on several levels, exposed to the shaking of a seismic tremor. It represents the typical rooms of a traditional house as they appear ‘before’ an earthquake and ‘after’ the damage caused by the seismic event. The walls, architectural structures and furnishings of the ‘after’ part are damaged under the effects of the collapse typical of a house built without earthquakeproof techniques. This work, designed to be presented to an audience of school-age children, is intended as a stimulus to build the awareness of the new generations on the fragility of the structures we live in, even though they conceptually represent our safety, our ‘safe roof’.

Published: 2023-12-15

‘Fragile Home’, uno strumento educational per visualizzare una casa “prima” e “dopo” un terremoto

Concetta Felli, Filippo Altavilla, Giorgio Capasso, Loredana Napoli, Paolo Cosenza, Valeria De Paola